
To review your form, click on the link that begins with FCC Form 471 Record.

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This will open up a new tab on your browser. You can now navigate to the Application Information, Billed Entity Information, Consultant Information, Contact Information, and Entity Details.

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You can also navigate to your Funding Requests. Click on the FRN to view the FRN and FRN line item information.

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You can review your responses to your questions for unmet needs.

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Once you have completed your review, close the tab.

At this point, you can:

  • Go back to edit the form for any changes,
  • Click Send for Certification, which will allow any full rights user to certify the form, or
  • Click Continue to Certification to certify the form yourself, if you are a full rights user.

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Note: If this certification page was closed, you may navigate back to it by clicking Dashboard, My Pending Tasks, and select the Review ECF FCC Form 471 task for the relevant application.

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If you click Send to Certification:

Click Yes so that the ECF FCC Form 471 is sent to all full rights users for the entity.

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Once you click Yes, a new task will be created for all full right users to certify the application for the entity.  To locate the task, navigate to the Dashboard and select My Pending Tasks. Click the relevant application Ready for Certification task to start the certification process.  Follow the steps below to certify the form.

Note: If a user does not see a task to certify the application, either they do not have full rights for the entity, another full rights user has already accepted the task, or the application has previously been certified.

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If you click Continue to Certification:

You will be presented with a series of certification boxes. Read the certification boxes and click the boxes to accept the certifications.

Please note the following certification only appears for New Construction, Self-Provisioned Networks, and Datacasting requests:

  • “The applicant sought service from existing service providers in the relevant area and that such service providers were unable or unwilling to provide services sufficient to meet the remote learning needs of their students, school staff, or library patrons.”

School Certifications –

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Library Certifications-

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Consortia Certifications-

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For the CIPA Certifications, answer Yes or No to the following question:

Have you already certified your status of compliance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) on an FCC Form 486 or FCC Form 479 for the relevant funding year?

If No, you will be presented with the following three options. Select the option that is most appropriate for your organization.

For Schools/Libraries –

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For Consortiums –

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Once you check the box for each certification and complete the CIPA certification, the Certify button will become active. Click Certify and then click Yes to certify your form. When you are done, click Close.

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You should now be able to see your certified application under My Forms and Requests.

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